Carver C-1 pre vs Sunfire TGIII

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2005
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So - I have this Carver C-1 preamp circa 1982 sitting around.... and I also have a Sunfire TGIII processor.... So - I get crazy and decide - I'm gonna do a comparison....I unhook all of the many wires - and hook up the C-1. Here are my initial thoughts.... but, I am going to give it some time - and then switch back at some point....

My first impression is that the sunfire is a bit more digital sounding... I'm not sure if that means 'sparkly' or 'more dynamic' or just plain more 'digital'. The C-1 seems more fluid...more dare I say 'analogue like'. But, it sounds very,very good. The TGIII might be a bit more clinical - whereas the C-1 is warmer sounding - everything seems more homogenous. At first listen - I would say the Sunfire plays each instrument more succinctly - but it seems as if the C-1 plays the whole presentation - as a WHOLE - and gets my toe tapping a bit more.... Now this is first impression - and you always like to think something different is better... So, I will let it play a bit - then go back and see if I still think the same.

Anyone else have any types of similar scenarios? This is basically an all analogue comparison to a digital processor hooked up via analogue in direct bypass mode.
figure I would post on my original thread -- since it is of such interest!! :)
anyway - after listening to the old all analog carver c-1 and comparing to the sunfire processor hooked via analogs .. I think I can say this -

I am going back to my sunfire and here is why - The sunfire was quieter, has more jump and more high end. Sometimes the high end comes off as 'hot' - but in the end, I really like the space it creates between the instruments. But, amazingly enough - I think the 27 year old carver held its own. I put on an acoustic jazz/flamenco guitar cd - and the 'percussiveness' of the guitar just seemed to fly off the speakers with the sunfire - it was more laid back with the carver - smoother, but maybe rolled off a bit. I think more akin to what analog sounds like... The dynamics of the sunfire were just superior...