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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. J

    Klipsch "The Fives" honest thoughts

    For strictly desktop use, I have always used these Monsoons (discontinued). The panels are Eminent Technology type Push-Pull planar magnetic transducers. Actually, they may be licensed directly from ET when they were sold years ago. People were buying up these units just for the HP transducers...
  2. J

    Umm… my Quest Z’s still work when they’re unplugged from A/C?

    Yup. I personally know of a Quad ESL-63 that suffered this fate....a friend preferred to plug his Quads into a switched room light outlet to save energy (even tho leaving them plugged in all the time only consumed milliwatts). His wife wanted to listen to some music one day while he was out, and...
  3. J

    Umm… my Quest Z’s still work when they’re unplugged from A/C?

    The ability for an ESL speaker to continue playing after AC power is removed is sign of a healthy panel. Be happy. But driving ESL panels with very low or no charge on them will damage your step up transformer and / or amplifier.
  4. J

    For Sale Used SL3 panels

    I visit Champaign / Urbana somewhat frequently (Alma Mater). Next time I get down there I will give you a shout...if you still have them. Thanks
  5. J

    For Sale Used SL3 panels

    Where in Wisconsin are you? I m in Chicago and may be interested in a few ESL experiments...
  6. J

    Classic 9 amp consideration: Sanders vs Anthem

    Sanders' opinion is to have an amp that has all the power needed for any music peaks not to clip. I have the Sanders Kaya amp - converted to full range. I only use it for very difficult ESL loads, like my Acoustats.
  7. J

    For Sale Martin Logan Esl 9 $3500 local pick in the NJ area Lists current and sold items...just plug in your search.... Works great.
  8. J

    Martin Logan Vantage Amp board

    The back plane that has two circuitboards in that ebay pic, the upper circuitboard is the ICEPower 200ASC amp board that powers the woofer. The Crossover board below gets power from the ICEpower AUX supply connection... sounds like you swapped the ICEPower boards and confim they both work? I...
  9. J

    Tube monoblock recommendations

    Leporello - Found it - from Audio Amateur 1976...if you choose to try - use discretion as very dangerous.
  10. J

    Tube monoblock recommendations

    Lowheat - I find 8417 tubes from friends at DIYAudio or Reverb. Every now and then from ebay. I stay with the more rare / reliable / better Sylvania (and Bogen labled) 8417... I always have the stipulation with seller that when received, I test on my tester....if not OK, I reserve the right to...
  11. J

    Tube monoblock recommendations

    All this talk of direct driving ESL step down to step up Sanders (Innersound, not ML) White Paper on direct driving ESL from plates of a EL34 tube amp...I have it somewhere, I will post when I find it... But I bought a kit from a company in Germany (Shackman)...
  12. J

    New CLS Owner

    If they charge quickly, its healthy panels... You should know - by driving ESL speakers with bias disconnected & near drained, you risk destroying both your amp (driving a dead short) and / or step up transformers in interface...neither are a cheap fix...
  13. J

    New CLS Owner

    That Nak Stasis has plenty to drive the panels - your good here...but should not take longer than a few hours to fully charge the panels... I would think... Sux that ML never put in a Neon Charge lamp like the Quads have - shows the health of the panels...I actually built one from the...
  14. J

    New CLS Owner

    Just make sure the Soap has Sodium Lauryl Sulfate...some soaps do not have this... I have separated three sets of CLS panels many years ago. Two sets were destroyed...not easy, but can be done...
  15. J

    New CLS Owner

    When transporting the CLS Speakers to your home, were the interfaces (metal box on speaker) disconnected from speaker frame? If so, when reassembling the speaker did you reconnect the three wire connector from panel to the interface? Be very careful when doing anything inside the Interfaces. Do...