Dead Can Dance - SACD Releases

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Jan 16, 2005
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ATL Area, GA
Al right my dear friends, here is music that just begs to be played on a good MartinLogan set in a well treated room .

As we all know MLs excel at vocals, and Lisa Gerard has what I consider to be her generations best voice. Her range is incredible and her wordless vocalizations ARE the instrument. The fit to the music is sublime.

Backed by great musicians, the growth of Dead can Dance over the years has been well cronichled.

What I wanted to share is that the entire back catalog of Dead Can Dance is soon to be available in SACD high resolution audio format.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I look forward to this, as this is some of my favorite music (at least all the Lisa pieces).

The SACD’s will be stereo only, as they did not have all the elements to remix into multichannel. But at least it will be a more accurate rendition of the master tapes.
The mixes were quite good to begin with, so no real loss there.

These are available for pre-order at your favorite record store:

Aion [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Into the Labyrinth [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Within the Realm of a Dying Sun [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Spiritchaser [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Spleen and Ideal [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Serpent's Egg [Hybrid SACD] [Import]

Dead Can Dance [Hybrid SACD]
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Thanks for the heads up. I just preordered 5 for now. :music: Can't wait!! I may have to buy a good SACD player for this one.
Very Cool! I'll be pre-ordering in a few minutes myself. One of my all time favorite bands, and I agree with Jonathan - they sound AMAZING on Martin Logans.

Not bad for a "dead" format huh Jonathan? :devil:

Now, if only you told me that all of the "This Mortal Coil" releases were also getting the SACD treatment, then I'd just sh!t little green apples!
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I have seen posts that three of them having been cancelled at this time from Warner Music Japan: Aion, Serpents Egg, & Within the Realm...
I have seen posts that three of them having been cancelled at this time from Warner Music Japan: Aion, Serpents Egg, & Within the Realm...

That's too bad, although, with the exception of "Within the Realm of a Dying Sun", these are my least favorite DCD tomes.

Not bad for a "dead" format huh Jonathan? :devil:


Hey Tim, I'll take it any which way I can.
I collect the weirdest high-def formats (Dolby TrueHD, DTS-MasterHD, SACD, DVD-A, HDAD, DVD-V + DTS high bit rate, DVD-V + AC3 high bit rate, DVD-V + 24/96 PCM, etc.) then there’s the plethora of 44/16 2ch PCM encodings: DolbySurround, HDCD, DTS, Ambisonics, SQ, and now have to figure out how to play them back over the years to come.
Guess I'll keep a Meridian in the rig forever (it does Ambisonic, SQ, DD, DTS MLP, MPEG) ;)

That, or I'll have to re-encode the old stuff to some std format in a few years (like DolbyTrueHD).

Ah, the joys of being a guy who never met a high-rez or surround format he wouldn't purchase :eek:
For those who haven't preodered for $32 on Amazon now has the links on their website and the price is $19.99 each, except for Garden of the Arcane Delights EP which is $16.99.

Dead Can Dance

Garden Of The Arcane Delights

Spleen & Ideal

Within The Realm Of A Dying Sun

The Serpent's Egg


Into The Labyrinth

Toward The Within

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Thanks Wayne, I saw that this past weekend and printed out the info from that site.

Amazon offers a price-match guarantee on pre-orders, so I'm going to hold them to it.

Anyone had a problem with Amazon not honoring another on-line vendors prices?
Thanks for the heads up. I have got all of them on order now.
If you planned on buying all 9, an even better price from Acoustic Sounds

Thanks Wayne. I pre-ordered all 9 from them as well.

BTW- Amazon does NOT price match. They are good at adjusting their prices to be competitive, but once you buy something from them for X, that's the price. no guarantees.
Also, they either sold out their inventory to pre-orders, or they dropped carrying this set, as they list these titles as ‘unavailable’ now. Wonder if it was the rash of cancellations? ;)

Ship date is supposedly nearing. Mid June is the latest date shown by AcousticSounds.
WOW it looks like all the Dead Can Dance SACD's are Mastered my MFSL (AKA MoFi). Release date June 2th two more days to go.
Looks like the long wait is over. I just got an e-mail that all 9 DCD SACDs have shipped!!
Got them all now, had them for over a week (except for the first album and the EP, never liked those)

Very good remasters. :rocker:

Shame they are not surround, big shame:(
Yes these are excellent remasters. MOFI did a super job with them. I’m so happy to have a good SACD player for these.
So what is considered their best album??? I know I will hear alot of personal preference in replies to this.
My favorite is “Into the labyrinth”, next Is “Spiritchaser” and then “Toward the Within”.
I like Lisa Gerrard with Pieter Bourke. Duality.

All the DCD stuff is just HAUNTING... great on a stormy night with some candles lit....