Have you had a late-night listening session?

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Have you had a late-night listening session

  • Yes

    Votes: 48 96.0%
  • No idea about what you are talking.....

    Votes: 2 4.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
Have you had a late-night listening session. Specifically, a listening session that starts early in the evening and just continues into the wee hours of the morning because your system just keeps sounding better and better.

There are many explainations for this -

* The power gets cleaner
* There are less vibrations from heavy machinery
* Most likely - the human ear gets more and more sensitive at night as hearing takes over from sight as our primary sense.

It may be a combination of the above and more. Regardless - I've certainly had many instances where I just listen and listen into the night. Have you?
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Have you had a late-night listening session. Specifically, a listening session that starts early in the evening and just continues into the wee hours of the morning because your system just keeps sounding better and better.

There are many explainations for this -

* The power gets cleaner
* There are less vibrations from heavy machinery
* Most likely - the human ear gets more and more sensitive at night as hearing takes over from sight as our primary sense.

It may be a combination of the above and more. Regardless - I've certainly had many instances where I just listen and listen into the night. Have you?
At late night and early morning, the Industries are not working, so you have cleaner A.C. line...in other words, you have less contamination at the A.C. mains. These make also our system to be cleaner...also, the warmer the system gets, the warmer the sound is...you are right with your comments too. Hearing music is one thing, and listening to the musician(s) making music in our system is the other thing. Martin Logan is capable to do this, as we all know!...so happy listening, and wish you a very happy sunrise!,
Usually this happens when the air is thick with marijuana smoke

uhm, a friend brought over some, for old time's sake, and we were staring at lp and cd and dvd covers for more than an hour, unable to choose what to listen to or watch. finally we decided to go out and have a drink instead!

to the poll question, yeah, i wish i could stay awake longer at night for listening sessions at that time.

sunday afternoon, i find, is a somewhat parallel experience.
Oh , YES late night is the best time ! Wasnt it Robert Redford that said " Its 4 in the morning and I don't know any one "

I do get the best sound it seems at night , and I do think those all make sense, as my system sounds best to me !

Or it could be the Alcohol ! :music:
good power conditioning will eliminate the need to stay up late to get the good sound.

Fortunately, I'm listening about 8-12 hours a day, so by 9am, my system is warmed up and ready to go....
Absloutely, because everyone goes to bed and it gets nice and quiet. I'm still not sure if I believe the "cleaner AC" thing, but it does make sense.
Very early in the morning is the same, before everyone gets up.
Absloutely, because everyone goes to bed and it gets nice and quiet. I'm still not sure if I believe the "cleaner AC" thing, but it does make sense.
Very early in the morning is the same, before everyone gets up.

I think it's more of a biological thing really - the ear takes over as the primary sense at night. It's more acute and more receptive to what is going into it.

My thoughts only......I just don't believe that AC line noise could:
1: be that better at night
2: even if it was, that AC noise would have that much effect on a properly designed component (on the end of a power conditioner).
I can't do late night listening.... otherwise, I wake the neighbors.:(
late night is the best time to listen for me

I prefer to listen in the dark at night at moderate levels 80-85db at the listening position.
Late night, sure...

Late night is when you hear:

Faucett dripping...
Refrigerator running...
One dog barking...

If you hear (and notice) those things you hear (and notice) more in the playback.

I think (besides your own physical changes that may occur late night) that the reduction in background noise is a prominent factor. It's the blacker background.

Late night I can just get lost in the music.

Daytime is more for casual or background listening.
This is a really old thread....heh...

My sessions don't go to 4am..but usually I listen at night...

For me...
- less noise at home: kids asleep, no phone calls, cooking, washing, TV, nothing going on..
- less noise outside: no cars driving, no construction (even miles away), no neighbors yard work, nothing going on.
- personally: winding down to sleep, so mentally more relaxed.
I HOPE not anywhere near your 'logans!!

My thoughts as well! Pot has about 5 x's the tar in it's smoke than ciggies, very bad, I have friends smoke outside and change clothes before coming back in the house ;)!! I put dedicated, true grounded wiring in the main listening room before I moved in so I don't have any issues when the A/C is running or the fridge kicks on, and the computers and lights on reostats on on another line as well. Still, late nights with the lights low is the best time of all :).
I listen while I sleep, but I don't really fully utilize the sound system, because I keep it low.
What a timely thread. I just installed a power regenerator and I was thinking to myself that my system now sounds like it usually does late at night.