Devialet SAM for Montis

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
67"N, Norway
I see that Montis now has 31 votes (62%) to get the Devialet SAM treatment ;) What can we expect soundwise with SAM on a Devialet 400 set? Can the SAM do anything with the bass of the Montis as it`s active?
Hi Viking, yes, SAM should help with the bass, although since the DSP in the active x-over in the Montis already corrects much of the bass range, I'd not expect huge changes there. What I would expect is a much cleaner transition between the bass and the panel, as the SAM profile will correct any phase and/or frequency errors present there. Given that the high-pass crossover to the panel is a passive component, the SAM corrections for phase will be important, as well as the delay between panel and woofer. The DSP for the woofer introduces latency, and the SAM correction will address the inevitable delay mismatch between the panel and the woofer.

Which Devialet model do you have?

How do you like its current performance with the Montis?
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I believe that Devialet decided not to do SAM for ML and similar speakers. Contact them.
I don't know about SAM, but I have ABed Devialet many times with Krell, levinson, AR Reference, Krell integrated, AR integrated, and each time it did miserably. There is a gu on the forum from UK named Matt who ran his Montis with Devialet. He finally decided to get a Sanders amp and says it is much better.

I wanted to buy the devialet as I wanted a one box solution, but it is the one amp I shall not have. I will be happy with all the other amps
They indeed do not do Sam for sub powered ML models. I voted for both Ethos and Montis, but last September they sent me this message (and a second one regarding Montis):

A few weeks ago, you voted on**website for your speakers MARTIN LOGAN – ETHOS to be one of the next models to be soon supported by Devialet’s Speaker Active Matching (SAM®). We would like to thank you for your vote and your support in SAM® project.

As promised, we engaged all steps in order to realize your speakers SAM® profile.

However the ETHOS including a bass subwoofer, their electronics impose a high cut frequency, i.e. a low frequencies reduction.

Furthermore they already have an active amplifier which doesn’t benefit of the ADH®, a technology that you can only find in a Devialet.

Unfortunately this low frequency behavior and the lack of ADH® technology are currently not SAM® compatible.

Be ensure that the entire SAM® engineers team is working on the feasibility to make electrostatics panels SAM® ready, in order for you benefit from this technology as soon as possible.

We would like to thank you once more for your commitment and your support in this new technologic adventure.

I stay at your disposal should you have any further questions.

Best regards,

Judith Vincent-Heurtaux
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This is the response I received:

Quincy James (Devialet)
Nov 20, 20:14

thanks for inquiring and for your interest in our D400. Attached you will find the list of Martin Logan that are Sam ready.
In the future if you'd like to get more info on the speakers that are Sam ready, all you need to do is follow this link:

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