NEW: Central Texas/Austin area monthly audio meets.

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2006
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Round Rock, TX YeeHaw!
This is a welcome to all local Central Texas/Austin area members to join us as we kick off a regular monthly get together for an evening of music, audio talk and general BS. Since we (sb6, sebrof2000 and slowGEEZR) had a great time at my house last night, we thought that a recurring get together at each others' homes would be a great idea. Now, we'd like to extend this invitation to all local members of the Martin Logan Club. The more people participate, the more systems and homes we all get to visit. Sound good? For March, we will gather at sb6' home. The precise date and time will be decided in the near future. Please note that you don't have to have a Martin Logan system to participate. We're music lovers first! If you have any interest in this, please leave a response in this thread. Thanks.
It's always a good time when audio junkies get together. The drive to Austin is about an hour for me, so not too bad. I would love to hear some of your systems. Then if anyone is interested in making the drive down, I could put my house in the rotation. I presently have four sytems up and running here and working on putting together number five. It will be a vintage system running SAE gear and some JBL C50 Olympus furniture size speakers I just bought.
Well Luther, tack on an extra half hour to get up to the Round Rock area! It would be great to get back to your home again. I've experienced a couple of your systems and would love to hear the others. Five systems? :bowdown:
Steve (SlowGEEZER) - Had a great time at your home the other night, great system, great music. It's always fun to listen to others' systems and BS about all things audio. It was good to meet Steve Sb6 as well.
The thing is, while I was at your house listening to your Wilsons someone was apparently sabatoging my system because somehow it didn't sound quite right when I fired it up afterwards ;)

I'll host, I'll travel, whatever. I'm in. I have 3 systems right now so I should be able to keep a few people occupied for a while. Every time I've ever been to one of these get togethers I've always come away with a smile on my face. Let's do it.
Thanks Mike. Jeez, you have three systems, Luther has five, I'm going to have to connect up the Aerius so I can have two!:eek: Nah, I think I'll be happy with one system, except for a little ipod driven one for the pool.
Thanks Mike. Jeez, you have three systems, Luther has five, I'm going to have to connect up the Aerius so I can have two!:eek: Nah, I think I'll be happy with one system, except for a little ipod driven one for the pool.

Well, down to 2 now.
I was poking around the Klipsch forum as I do on occasion and saw that one of the guys from Austin that I know posted that he saw an advert for some KHorns. He was asking other K members how they sounded. Being the good citezen I am I offered for him to bring his amp to my house to listen to mine before he bought the others. He came over, liked what he heard and one thing lead to another and out the door they went.
I guess my kids will have to get used to TV speakers when they play their XBox.
Steve (sb6), Mike (sebrof2000) and I had a great time last night at Steve's home. It was supposed to be from 6:30 to 10:30, but 11:30 came so fast I think it surprised us all. The food, drink, music, hospitality and general audio BS made the time fly! Mike and Steve are very knowledgeable when it comes to music. I especially enjoyed discovering new artists (new to me anyway) from Steve's vast, 28,000+ song library!

Steve's system is very, very good. He has made wise decisions economically and has a system that punches well beyond its price point. It's the type of system that can make you wonder why so much more money has to be spent to get great sound. I'm not going to hyper analyze the sound, but rest assured it was clear, coherent and very musical, the type of system anyone would be very pleased to have.

Like most of us, his system is a work in progress. He has a great space, the type I'd love to have, for listening. Self made acoustical treatments were in the front corners, front walls, rear walls and ceiling corners. Steve mentioned adding some more for the side wall reflection points were next. Like Mike and myself, Steve is a believer that the room (environment) is so important to good sound. I will say that I've never heard SL3s sound as good, not that much different (except a little different bass) than some well set up Prodigies I've heard. I was very surprised at how loud they could play. His SL3s are 1/3 of the way into the room from the front wall and toed in correctly, using the flashlight method. Steve is using a modified Carver amp, with double its original power rating. This is being driven by a very nice looking and sounding tube preamp (Sorry, I forgot the brand). The source was a computer sending hi rez and redbook (I won't mention the mp3s:eek: If ever there was a doubt as to the sound difference of lo rez mp3s vs redbook or 24/96 hi rez files, we put that pony to rest last night, as Steve had some songs in multiple resolutions) files through a Music Streamer DAC. Speaker cables were Audioquest Rocket 44s, I think. No vinyl playback for Steve.

Thanks so much for a great time Steve. See you soon.
Mike, thanks for the new record album. I've got a duplicate, unopened Coltrane album that's got your name on it.

Anyone else in the area that wants to join us for our next gathering, keep an eye on this area of the site. Mike's up next and I'm looking forward to hearing his Zus sing.
Yes, a great time at Steve's (aka Sb6) house the other night. His system sounded great. It was interesting to hear a good system in a big room because I'm used to almost sitting on top of my speakers in my 12' x 13' room. Who says Martin Logans can't rock - They did at Steve's that's for sure.
But - No matter how good the systems sound, the get togethers always drift from the gear to the music. And Steve had a ton of great music.
Thanks for hosting Steve.

I'm up next. If anyone is in the area and would like to join just send me a PM.
Might be worth posting about these events on other audio forums to attract non-ML users. ML users in TX who want to attend these events maybe a pretty small group. And I suspect it'd be interesting to hear non-ML based systems.

Just a thought.
Thanks guys, appreciate all the positive comments. Who said MLs can't rock and play loud! :D I had a great time too and time sure did fly!

Just an FYI - The tube preamp is an Opera Consonance Cyber-222 Mk II (Mk II = Auri caps, better wiring, 1% film resistors, separate P/S) and has 6SN7 x 4, 5AR4 x 1 tubes (I think you were asking about the tubes, Mike). They are the stock Sovtek tubes, but I'm looking to upgrade the 6SN7 to a Mullard and maybe Sylvanias for the 5AR4, I've heard this is a really nice combo for the Cyber-222. This tube preamp made a HUGE difference over the Carver C-11 I bought new 20 years ago.

Still working on more sound treatments, best bang for the buck, I believe.

Looking forward to hearing your gear, Mike! :music:
