convince my wife that I need Logans thread

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2010
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Hi guys thanks for the advice on the "Build me a cheap HT electrostat setup " thread

Special thanks to the gent(justin j) who posted the amazon links for the source se :bowdown:

Now you guys have to help convince my wife in this thread . I told here that she will find all the coments from ML owners who own or have heard ML source

Feel free to post posative comments to make her understand that the $1500 is justified because there's still smoke coming from the holes I have recently burned in my pockets.

Thanks a bunch guys:rocker:
Feel free to post posative comments to make her understand that the $1500 is justified because there's still smoke coming from the holes I have recently burned in my pockets.

Thanks a bunch guys:rocker:

Nothing will convince her more than a personal audition. I am very happy with my ML Spires!
I haven't heard the source, but by the look of it it would sound beautiful, after all it's a Martin Logan.As for convinicing your wife, I will put this thought out there.

We all induldge in different things. Perhaps it's shoes, clothes, boat, art collecting etc, etc.Any one of these pursuits is no less important than any other one.It may seem like a lot of money to someone who doesn't have an interest in audio, I understand that . Plesae tell your wife , we want to assimulate you into the Martin Logan Club.
Goodluck, Greg
Just tell her how you heard neighbour's wife mention how she wishes they could affort to get those wonderful ML speakers! ;)
It's unfortunate that your wife needs so much convincing for a $1500 purchase.

come on. What's easy for you to spend, doesn't mean that it's easy for others. Someone that has greater financial ability then you would not say something like that. Give the guy a break.

Also, it might not be a money thing maybe a "why do we need these"?
I have spent a life time in and around audio. I've been the struggling student with a modest system that I saved a long time for. I've been the new father that sold gear because the baby had a greater need. I've been the husband who wanted a lot more than needed large electrostats. Through all this I've learned it is a lot about priorities. My wife sees this in me. I'll give up many things to attain one. I sold my motorcycles and dive gear to buy audio toys. I've not bought a new car or bought needlessly to attain a system I've always wanted. My wife appreciates the level of music we now have and that her husband is always home. I don't fish, hunt, golf, have a night out with the boys or otherwise do things that take me away from home. What I do is appreciate what I have and a wife who enjoys it with me. She jokes that she doesn't have to worry about me having a girl friend because, one, I spend my money on audio and two, I'm always home. That's the way I want it.

Oh did I mention I spoil my wife? ;)
It's unfortunate that your wife needs so much convincing for a $1500 purchase.
Wow. Just unreal. And from a writer/reviewer? And Official Sponsor?!

And it's distasteful on another level too: It disrespects the partnership some of us have with our wives.
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Here is what I think... This is a 125 dollar/month purchase for 1 year - for a lifetime of enjoyment. Where can you get that kind of payback? I remember about 12 years ago when I was looking at a Yamaha receiver (before I went completely nutso....) - and brought my wife to the place -- It was 900 bucks... and I got the 'Oh no... we're not spending that kind of money...' I think I laughed and said - 'Well, I could get something cheaper, but I have found that I just spend more by upgrading the next we are saving money by doing this!!' heard a quote - 'A rich man spends a lot of money once...a poor man spends a little bit of money many times.' Something like that anyway......
Here is what I think... This is a 125 dollar/month purchase for 1 year - for a lifetime of enjoyment.

a few years back i started auto depositing $100 a month into a tax-free-savings-account for "fun". for me "fun" is audio gear ... it adds up pretty quick. not all audio purchases come from that fund, but it helps on the "cool but not really needed" stuff.
a few years back i started auto depositing $100 a month into a tax-free-savings-account for "fun". for me "fun" is audio gear ... it adds up pretty quick. not all audio purchases come from that fund, but it helps on the "cool but not really needed" stuff.

Great minds think alike. We have an "audio fund" account. While it does buy audio it is also used for trips and my wife's "would love to have but...". It prevents the temptation of every having to touch the "house" account.
I don't see how my response was so awful. I've been married for 17 years (today as a matter of fact) and I have worked with my wife on a daily basis for 18 years, so I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the relationship angle.

My attitude is exactly the same as Wardsweb. I drive an inexpensive car and have given up all of my other vices/hobbies/whatever to have a world class stereo system. I've always had that attitude about audio. When I bought my first pair of CLS's, I was driving a car I paid $100 for.

I guess the point I was trying to make was that I'm surprised that anyone who has been married or living with someone for any length of time would have to justify a purchase like this. It's not a money thing at all, I'm assuming that as an adult, one would know if spending 1500 or 150,000 is reasonable and prudent. What puzzles me is the need to have to justify it on an emotional level...

My wife enjoys a number of things that I do not, and I have no problem with her spending money on those things if we have it, because she goes along with the stuff I like.
Especially in these times, 1500 Dollars for Speakers represents a sacrifice for many. Some of us are more blessed than others. Things like having Children really costs a fortune.

Jeff, you also are able to get equipment at prices most of us could only dream of. I am sure it is not the case with all Manufacturers, but "Accommodation" pricing often means huge discounts on the Companies which you have a Professional Relationship with.

I would purchase used or discontinued Martin Logans. In this case, you could tell her you could get back most of the Money spent by listing on Audiogon. Especially in the case of used Martin Logans you really do stand a chance of getting all of your money back if unfortunate events called for it.
I don't see how my response was so awful. I've been married for 17 years (today as a matter of fact) and I have worked with my wife on a daily basis for 18 years, so I think I have a pretty firm grasp on the relationship angle.

My attitude is exactly the same as Wardsweb. I drive an inexpensive car and have given up all of my other vices/hobbies/whatever to have a world class stereo system. I've always had that attitude about audio. When I bought my first pair of CLS's, I was driving a car I paid $100 for.

I guess the point I was trying to make was that I'm surprised that anyone who has been married or living with someone for any length of time would have to justify a purchase like this. It's not a money thing at all, I'm assuming that as an adult, one would know if spending 1500 or 150,000 is reasonable and prudent. What puzzles me is the need to have to justify it on an emotional level...

My wife enjoys a number of things that I do not, and I have no problem with her spending money on those things if we have it, because she goes along with the stuff I like.

RIGHT ON !! finally someone that "Get's it" .. I am continually distressed by the "WAF" or "SAF" if you want to be "politically correct". I simply don't understand how ANYONE could establish a healthy, happy relationship with someone that essentially suffocates the others joy in a hobby, or creative outlet. :confused:
I am one of the lucky ones, my partner shares my enthusiasm for the recreation of music in the home, and undertands my passion and joy in the pursuit of the gear to help get to that end.
Personally, If someone I was involved with did NOT understand that level of my personality, or at the very least respect it enough to give me the freedom to enjoy it, then that person would NOT be involved with me.. it's that simple.
This is not just about "audio" .. it's about having respect and understanding for your partner. Suffocating them and or shoving them into what YOUR expectations are for them is a very unhealthy situation.
Excellent point, Jungle Jack; buying used is always an excellent idea if you are on the fence about finances and FYI, in the years leading up to my current position, I've handed the keys to the sports car to someone else and sold the stereo a few times, to keep food on the table, so I understand that too.

However, the industry discount is irrelevant. Before industry disc. I used to have X amount of dollars tied up in my system, now with disc. I have 10x that amount tied up in my system, if not more.

My position is different because it's my job. If I didn't run a hifi magazine, I'd probably still have a decent system, but not at the level I do now, because I couldn't justify it without earning a lot more money, nor would I have the time to listen to it. I do feel very privileged to be able to make something that was a lifelong obsession my business.

It's the same reason I don't buy a new Ducati, it would just sit in the garage and collect dust; bad use of money for my life.
It's unfortunate that your wife needs so much convincing for a $1500 purchase.

I am with you here tonepub. and I might add that if I where married and my wife where so petty that I could not make what amounts to a trivial expense on my own without her consent I would kick the B to the curb unless of course she where the bread winner and I was the MR.MOM then I would just go by a length of rope from the hardware store instead and just hang myself in the garage.

BTW if you truly can't afford something don't try to drag you wife into your bad decision making process.
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Jeff, I certainly did not mean to be off topic by bring up accommodation. Moreover, it truly is a necessity to have a reference grade system in order to provide the best Reviews. It just might alter your perception of spending 1500 Dollars on Speakers when for you it is a legitimate tax deduction. Regardless, my apologies if offended.

Back on topic, it is impossible to know the circumstances of the OP. There are times these kind of Threads are more for affirmation before making a sizable purchase than the Significant Other needing to be cajoled into compliance. Not all Threads similar to this are this the case, but some truly are.
it's easy... you get something and she gets something...then she doesn't feel like you get the goodies and she doesn't.